Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nature and socks

Thinking that today was probably one of the last times it would be warm enough to swim in the Eno River, we spent two hours there today. The children did some Andy Goldsworthy tribute art, swam, and poked at a dead fish with sticks ('cause you just have to, that's why). We have borrowed three books on Andy: Stone, Time, and A Collection with Nature. In addition, we're watching the documentary Rivers & Tides, so we've got some Goldsworthy on the brain.

Here's some Morgan art

Morgan's rock art

Some Chicky art

Chicky's leaf circle

And a sample of Bowen's

Bowen's rock art

While the children were swimming and creating I was working on Roza's socks by Grumperina. I'm using the luscious Loden Cherry Tree Hill Supersock. It's a 3x3 rib with brioche stitch (in the purl sections). As is somewhat typical for me, I rather like the "wrong" side better than the "right." Huh.

roza's sock beginning

It looks better now that I've gotten a little farther than what is pictured. I wasn't sure I even liked it at all last night, but today in the sunlight it looked quite nice.

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