Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Man, the pictures

Here is my best picture of Steve (& Allison). I was not courageous enough to get "right up there" with a camera, and it's rather fuzzy, but you can get the idea.


A promised picture of the yarn that started out a fleece. I flicked, spun from the lock, dyed with Kool-aid and plied. I don't really like the texture of the fleece with Kool-aid - it feels like poorly permed hair to me.


This is BFL roving that has been dyed with Country Classics. I did several yard long pieces with different cold pour techniques just to see how they looked, and then did a longer piece in plain purple and plied them together.


As you can see, I've been rather camera-challenged these days. I must be mashing the button so hard I move the camera. Damn.

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