The next is Berry Fun, and I think it will be lovely spun with the white to contrast the bright orange and magenta.
Boo was going to be called Parfait, but my short-term memory is so bad I forgot! It's too bad my memory can only go downhill from here.
On the subject of memory, I saw an article in Newsweek about a woman that remembers EVERYTHING since she was four years old. She can tell you what she ate for lunch on a certain day 15 years ago. That must be annoying to be overwhelmed by the mundane. If you were married though, you'd have the advantage in arguments! I'd just like the healthy balance I had before I had children.
The last roving is destined to be spun and knit into something for Sarah's mother. She kindly bought raffle tickets even though she doesn't spin or knit! There's a woman that deserves some fibery love! Sarah told me she loves blues, so I dyed some gradated blue Falklands. I wonder what it will become?
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