Of course Chicky noticed immediately that it was potentially the right size for her American Girl doll, so she put it on her and it did fit perfectly. Damn.
Some socks for a favorite person are also in progress. These are very basic socks knit up in Louet Gems sport weight. I really like the weight and feel. These are the first socks I've knit on a needle larger than size one - it's a little quicker!
Here my knitting candy right now. When I do so much on the holiday knitting I reward myself with a little spinning or this
It's from a pattern by cosymakes. It may be a gift or it may be mine, not sure yet.
It's finally gotten cool enough for long sleeves - YEA! Bring out the handknits!
1 comment:
hi! i love the colorway you chose for the old shale smoke ring! can't wait to see the end product :)
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