Nevertheless, today I really enjoyed going by myself. I got books for the children I teach, books for my children, and a book for myself. All within thirty minutes. Not that I'm about a race at the library, but I've finally figured out it's not worth it to check out more than one book for me at a time. I just don't have the time for reading like I used to do.
Here's some Mason-Dixon Knittin'. It's a warshrag, for those of y'all new to this here handknit item. I was havin' some severe flashbacks whilst I was aknittin' this one. I used to knit warshrags with my momma. She weren't much o' a knitter, mind, hers were supposed to be diamond shape but they weren't. But hell, it's just a warshrag, so there's no need to get all hep about it.
I made another'n too. Tain't as fancy as the first, but it'll clean a plate (and that the imporan' part)!
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