The baby birds are gone from the nest. Now my porch lamp is filled with an empty nest with bird poop all around the edges. I get keeping the inside of the nest clean, but seeing baby birds resting their little heads over the poop-laden edge bummed me out. Where are bird social services when you need them?
There seemed to be another nest on the ground for the finches after their practice flights. Morgan tracked this little wacky flyer down. There were birds skittering all over the front yard for a few days. I have no idea how many survived.
Well, it's May and I'm three quarters of the way done with my Olympic shawl. Think anyone cares? Me neither, but it's really cool. This is the Meg Swenson shawl out of the winter Vogue. I blocked the first end so I could decide if I wanted to rip it out and start over, and admire how cool it is. (If I liked it. It's not perfect, but I do.)
And finally, the Sunflower Shell I started last summer. I don't think it will fit me when it's done, but I know several women it might. It's done in Classic Elite's Pima cotton/Tencel blend. It has an amazingly soft hand. It sort of self-finishes and I was doubtful, but it seems to be working.
When these projects are finished, I'll finish the pair of socks I've started.
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