Now, it is back into it's pre-project state, a.k.a., a ball of yarn. I'm going to try a hat, or an earwarmer if it's not enough for a hat.
My other project is Anne Modesitt's Backyard Leaves scarf. I bought Scarf Style for that pattern and Ene's Scarf by Nancy Bush. Backyard Leaves is complicated - but small (in comparison to Ene's Scarf). I'm working a swatch right now while thinking about possible yarns. I am really a fan of Anne's work. Her designs are amazing. If you want to check out luscious, go to - simply stunning.
Last night, I had a fun one-on-one knitting session with a friend, complete with wine (for her) and Guiness (for me). Today, all three of my children have been invited over to their friends' house to watch The Steelers (Bowen and his friend Dylan are the fans) and have dinner. Chicky is not so sure about this. I think it will be fine because she will have her brothers for security. She's trying to give me a guilt trip, "I've never been without you so long before."
I am going to a yarn shop, and a movie with a friend. I may even get Indian food for dinner. I'm livin' on the wild side, eh?
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