Organicfood2you it's more expensive that Weaver Street (and that's saying something) but if you go together with other people you can receive a 5% discount on your order. How cool is that?
This week I found out I'm behind the pop culture times again. I thinks it's because I never really watched Oprah. Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare and incurable stage 4 cancer in 2003. She went on a "deep healing pilgrimage" and is still here talking about it! A lot of what she's talks about food and health wise are things I already know and practice. I'm not sure I'll ever be into enemas (flashbacks to surgery when I was five!), but I'm all about detoxing and green foods, so you never know!
I was doing pretty well exercising before the back injury/tooth removal/severe cold/burn and then with the holidays I got back into baking. I had a three week affair perfecting a chocolate scone recipe. It's top-notch, but I didn't need all those scones. Last week I HAD to make a Ukrainian poppyseed cake and then regretted we ate it in two days (mostly me, I admit it).
Richard and I have given up alcohol (before the holidays) and I'm happy to report I'm sleeping better. Well, I would be but for Steve's small bladder. I'm back to bursting (45 second bursts of running with one minute fast walking recovery for 17 minutes) and it feels good!
Today I woke up with a severe headache from dehydration. I realized yesterday my total fluid intake was a pot of English Breakfast Tea (I shared) and a glass of water at lunch. Duh. In order to cure what ailed me today, which includes mental/emotional angst as well, I drank lots of hot water with lemon, practiced meditating and yoga which I haven't done seriously for years. Boy have I lost flexibility! I still had the headache for most of the day and was mighty blue for most of it, but I think I'm back on the upswing.
I'm thinking bursting three days a week and yoga the other three and I'll be well rounded. Meditating is something I should go back to doing whenever I can. My mind needs practice being still.
And just because Steve is my BFF these days. Here's a little video of him, he's figured out how to use a pull-string on a cat toy. Tiger-Cato and Button never liked it,but Steve thinks it's the bomb!