Acutally, I knew it was hanging there and I drove the three tenths of a mile to my best friends' house (Mel and Angela) and took a picture of Anglea's drying roving. My summer vacation has been spent mostly at she and her partner's house dyeing roving. It's been lovely. We both started spinning in June and have been fiber addicts ever since. The dyeing has been great. We've done handpainted and immersion dyeing so far. Our current chemicals include Country Classics and Rit. We will be trying Sabraset after I take a little mini trip (to see the lovely Steve Earle in Asheville) and buy some dye at the Earth Guild while I'm there.
A sample of my first try at dyeing:
I've been spinning the samples:
Today, Angela and I were sitting with our feet in the water while knitting when this sweet creature plopped into the pool for a swim. After fishing him out, we let him go in the garden. By the way, their pool is de-ionized and has NO CHLORINE! How cool is that?
Well, tomorrow I head off for Asheville to see Steve Earle at Airaid and Saturday it's off to Raleigh (a much shorter drive) to see him and his new wife (#6 in wives, #7 in marriages) Allison Moorer at the NC Museum of Art. As an aside, I think Allison has a great voice, but her songs sound very similar to each other.